Friday, July 30, 2010

Macy and Mason's Video

So, I am attending an online training class for school about using different new technologies in the classroom.  A lot of the technologies aren't new to me but this one is.  I had so much fun!!

The one for today was creating a Digital Story, so I created one for Macy and Mason.  I am really proud of my work and it kind of reminds me of "Reading Rainbow".  I did try to do a voice over instead of the text but my microphone picked up so much static that it sounded awful.

Once we get a better microphone, I'll fix it so that Mason can listen to it and hear his mama's voice :).

Hope you enjoyed my digital story!!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Mason, Our New Hope

Yesterday morning I woke up with butterflies in my stomach. Although I was very excited I was also having feelings of anxiety and nervousness. I took a shower and tried to regain a sense of calm. It did not really help but I remember that I kept telling myself everything will be ok and we will be having a happy healthy baby boy.

Ryan's parents came into town to go with us and they brought donuts and juice so that our little one would be moving around during the ultrasound. The ride to the doctor's office took forever and my nerves did not seem to settle. A lot of angel mommies say that pregnancy after a loss is bittersweet and actually that is the best word to describe it.

When we got to the doctor's office they called us back to the room about 3 minutes after arriving. I was so glad that I wouldn't be waiting long. When I got to the room the nurse informed me that the doctor was called to the hospital next door but he would be back shortly. It was long enough for me to take a nap and calm my nerves.

As soon as the doctor put the Doppler on my stomach and I heard the heartbeat I knew it was all ok. He told us right away that it was a boy!! Just like the tech had said at the 12 week appointment. Our little Mason was just as active as his brother. I feel his movements all the time now and of course his kicks. Just like his brother and his daddy, Mason has big feet and long big legs. Mason has his daddy's big hands and he waved at us during the ultrasound :).

The doctor said that everything looked great and that the placenta was very well implanted which helps put our minds at ease about another abruption. He is measuring on track and is in all a very healthy baby boy. Great news.

I've been going to the doctor every 2 weeks, but this new doctor doesn't want to see me for a month. So my next appointment is at 23 weeks on August 19th. Good thing we have a heartbeat monitor at home.

So now we just have to pray that I don't develop preeclampsia any time soon. We would love to have this baby at 36 weeks and not any earlier.

 Here is one of the ultrasound pictures of our little Mason.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Being Optimistic

We have three more days till our doctor's appointment with our new doctor. Not that I am counting or anything, but Thursday couldn't get her soon enough. I read another angel mommies blog today and it seems like lately we have been on the same page. I wish I could be like all the other expecting mommies but I have to realize that I am not and I never will be. Instead I am sitting here thinking about all the things that could go wrong on Thursday. I just wish things could be easier.

Ryan has started his new job and tomorrow is his first non-training day. He will be delivering pizzas and hopefully brining home big tips. He also has an interview on Wednesday for a full time job and it would be so nice if he were able to land this job.

So I am waiting patiently for Thursday and just praying that all is well with this little one.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Our Rainbow

Ok, so I have not been the best at updating this blog but I have so many friends that update their blogs constantly and it has inspired me.

Well, life without Tyler has been up and down. Since school got out it has been nice to relax and not have as much stress. I picked up crocheting but I am still in the beginner stage. I will post some projects in the near future. My goal is to knit a blanket for Mason.

That is right we are expecting our rainbow baby. This baby started out as Baby M. Ryan and I always knew that if we had a little girl her name would be Morgan, after Ryan's grandmother. And I have always loved the name Mason, so we stuck with that. At 12 weeks, they were able to tell it was a boy .... so Mason it is. I always had the feeling that I would have boys, so no surprise to me.

This week marks the start of my 18th week and next week at the specialists appointment we will be able to tell for sure if it really is a boy. Mason has been a great joy to me. I knew I would worry but I was surprised at how quickly I embraced this new little one. The other night I felt his first kicks and it was such a joy. It was three swift kicks in a row, it was almost like he figured out he could kick. It was wonderful. I woke up Ryan and had him feel but he was so asleep that he doesn't remember :). We also had a wonderful family let us borrow their heart beat doppler monitor and that has been a blessing. We love listening to Mason's heart beat and to be honest we do every day.

The first picture is at 7 weeks and the second picture of the little guy is at 12 weeks, so he is much much bigger now. Next week I will be able to share his 19th week picture and it will be so amazing to see the difference.

Ryan just started his new part time job delivering pizza. He is excited to be back in the work force and I couldn't be happier for him. He is only working ten hours a week, so hopefully a more permanent job will come along and quick.

Well that is all for now, I promise I will have more to share soon.