Monday, July 19, 2010

Being Optimistic

We have three more days till our doctor's appointment with our new doctor. Not that I am counting or anything, but Thursday couldn't get her soon enough. I read another angel mommies blog today and it seems like lately we have been on the same page. I wish I could be like all the other expecting mommies but I have to realize that I am not and I never will be. Instead I am sitting here thinking about all the things that could go wrong on Thursday. I just wish things could be easier.

Ryan has started his new job and tomorrow is his first non-training day. He will be delivering pizzas and hopefully brining home big tips. He also has an interview on Wednesday for a full time job and it would be so nice if he were able to land this job.

So I am waiting patiently for Thursday and just praying that all is well with this little one.

1 comment:

  1. I am prayint for you Stephanie! So excited about you starting to work with the new Dr. Thanks for the updates!
